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Page 5

  Slither eye

  F BI AGENTS QUESTIONED neighbors and witnesses near the home where Tammy and Sophia left the Volvo S60. Agent Roland discerned that the girls likely jumped the back fence of the house and escaped in a different vehicle. Since there was no evidence of the two women ever even entering the home, he figured that they only used the house to ditch their car.

  As the angry agent walked through the parking lot across the back fence of the house. He already knew that his next move was to check the security footage at the gas station to see how they got away. They had escaped and it enraged him. Now, this dangerous woman and her hostage-turned-accomplice were still on the loose.

  In his heart, Agent Roland swore an oath. He would capture or kill both women if it was the last thing he did.

  Vibrating in his pocket, Agent Roland’s phone began to ring. He answered without breaking stride. He was still hot on their trail and had little time to spare.

  “Special Agent Roland,” he said into his cell phone. “Yes, sir. They were able to break through the… Yes, sir. They ditched their vehicle and escaped in another. I’m on my way to look at the security footage from a gas station near where they left their car. I’ll be able to see what vehicle they escaped in. Once we know what vehicle they are in, we’ll be able to find them. Yes, sir. Ok.”

  Another agent, Agent Brown, was already inside with the manager in the manager’s office queuing up the surveillance from moments ago when Agent Roland walked in. Agent Brown and the manager were hunched over a wide desk with a large monitor on it.

  “Find anything?” Agent Roland asked.

  The manager toggled a little nob next to his keyboard to enlarge the image of the semi-truck. There they were. Like two ghostly shadows ascending into the open door. Tammy and Sophia climbed almost unseen into the cab of the truck and moved toward the back.

  Pointing at the image on the screen the manager announced, “There are your girls.”

  “Can we see the license plate of the truck?” Agent Roland asked as Agent Brown described the truck into his radio.

  After more video game-like toggling, the screen displayed an image of the truck’s license plates. Agent Brown relayed the plate numbers into his radio.

  “We should know where they are headed in a few minutes,” Agent Brown said. “They’ll have to contact the trucking company dispatch and find out where the truck is headed.”

  “Thanks,” Special Agent Roland said to his fellow agent and the manager as he left the manager’s office. “Call me as soon as you know something.”

  Walking back to retrieve his car Special Agent Roland approached the fence behind the gas station. He cleared the fence and his cell phone started ringing. He continued toward the house as he answered the call.

  “Special Agent Roland,” he spoke into the phone.

  The voice on the other end told him to knock on the door of the home where Tammy and Sophia abandoned the Volvo. A voice he didn’t recognize. Standing next to the front porch of the house, the agent was frozen in his steps.

  “Who is this?” Agent Roland inquired just before noticing the call had ended.

  David quickly slid his cell phone back into his pocket and unholstered his weapon. An all-black Glock 23. Carefully he moved toward the front door. Slowly. He glanced around to see if he could silently signal any of his fellow agents or officers. There was no one in sight. He started to reach for his radio, but he thought he would check it out first.

  A cold tingling began in the agent’s extremities. The hair on the back of his neck stood straight up. He kept his handgun down close to his side so he wouldn’t frighten the homeowners. Agents had already checked the house and questioned the inhabitants.

  He knocked on the door and waited. Not even sure of what it was he was expecting to find Special Agent Roland stood there… waiting. After a moment, he could see someone moving around inside.

  The front door clicked and opened slightly. An ominous sign. Something inside of him said do not go in. But, his curiosity and dedication to duty kept driving him on.

  “Hello,” Special Agent Roland said as he slowly he pushed the door open. “I just wanted to ask a few more questions.”

  He looked around, but he saw no one. There was a bump in the kitchen followed by a slow tapping sound. It lasted a few seconds and then started again. Slow and steady, then repeating.

  Cautiously the agent moved toward the back of the house where the kitchen was. He kept his back against the wall and his sidearm in his hand.

  “Hello,” He called out again. “This is Special Agent David Roland, FBI.”

  There was no answer, but the tapping sound continued. The closer Agent Roland got to the kitchen the slower taping became. He hoped that the sound would turn out to be just a branch outside a window being blown by the wind.

  Right outside of the kitchen now, he could see most of the room. It was bright. There were a number of windows along the opposite wall. Through the windows, he could see the wooden fence and the back of the gas station on the other side.

  He shook his head in disapproval, “Nice view.”

  As he shifted his body to enter the kitchen he noticed a shadow on the other side of the refrigerator. In the middle of the kitchen shaking beneath the table was the homeowner and his wife. When his eyes meet theirs, the man pointed to the shadow on the unseen side of the refrigerator.

  All that Agent Roland could see was part of the long dark shadow on the floor coming from the other side of the refrigerator. Someone was hiding there on the other side.

  David raised his weapon and shouted, “FBI, put your hands up and come out where I can see you!”

  The rhythmic tapping came to an abrupt halt. The large shadow appeared to get smaller before a man in a suite like Agent Roland’s walked out. To Agent Roland’s surprise, the man looked just like him.

  “Who are you?” Agent Roland asked struggling to keep the shock from taking him over.

  Casually the man walked toward him into the full light of the room, “I am Special Agent David Roland. I am you.”

  Trembling, Agent Roland put one hand to his face, “You look just like me… how?”

  “No. I don’t look like you,” the man said. “I am you.”

  A large hand came from behind and knocked Agent Roland’s Glock 23 to the floor. Another large hand came around and covered his mouth. A muffled scream was all he could muster as the large-handed man wrapped his thick forearms around the agent’s neck squeezing until he lost consciousness.

  Agent Roland’s unconscious body slid to the floor. There he lay. A great young agent. A legend in his own time. Now, helpless on the floor. His promising career and all of his accomplishments were about to be brought to an abrupt end.

  For a moment, the duplicate stared down at the dying agent’s face. Perhaps to comfort the agent in his final moments. After his silent moment he began chanting some mumbled words as he placed his hands on Agent Roland’s head and chest. From beneath the table the terrified homeowners watched the fake agent return to his shadow form and dissolve into the unconscious agent’s body.

  Rising to his feet the fake agent stretched out his hand toward the large handed man who placed a ring in the palm of his hand. On the face of the ring was the symbol of an eye with a snake across the middle.

  Placing the ring onto the ring finger on his right hand the fake agent started toward the door.

  “What about them?” the large man asked pointing to the homeowners who were still huddled beneath the kitchen table.

  The fake agent opened the front door and not even glancing back at them he said, “Kill them all.”


  Tammy, wake up. You must get out of the truck and switch to another vehicle before they find you.

  Tammy sat up abruptly from another nightmare breathing heavily. She gently woke Sophia, “Shh.”

  The two gathered their things and eased down by the truck cabin’s side door. Sophia left the driver a note to thank hi
m for the food they had taken. Once the truck stopped at an intersection, they ran out quickly and slammed the door leaving the driver confused. He had given them a ride and never even got to see them.

  It is time for you to find me.

  The two women walked a few blocks before finding a lot where they might borrow a car. A busy grocery store parking lot provided a good selection of cars.

  But, if you take a car from here it will be reported stolen shortly. Then they will find you very quickly.

  “You keep saying they, who are they?” Tammy asked still shopping for a car.

  They are the Slither Eye. The group responsible for me. For us. It will be easier to explain face to face.

  Ok, I am trying to trusting you but you have to tell me these things. How can I trust direction from someone I can’t see? How can I trust you when I don’t know or understand the things you are talking about?

  You will find the truth when you find me. All of these things will be easier for you to understand when you see me.

  Sophia waited with baited breath for Tammy to turn and reveal the story behind the mysterious they. She did not.

  “Well,” Sophia prodded. “What did she say? Who are they?”

  Trying to maintain her own trust in Primis Tammy answered, “She said that they are called Slither Eye. The rest we have to wait and see. She said it will be easier to explain once we find her.”

  “Nice,” Sophia said in a disappointed tone. “That sounds like bologna.”

  “What?” Tammy said.

  “You know, bologna. Baloney. Bull,” Sophia said.

  “Well,” Tammy said breathing deep and hoping deeper. “I guess we will see when we find her if there’s meat or just rice and beans.”

  “Rice and beans?”

  “You started it.”

  The women walked on. They avoided walking on the main streets for too long. Just long enough to try and scope out some cars to borrow. Their luck improved as they came upon a large used car lot.

  There, Tammy. Take that pickup truck. We may need the room and it’s far in the back. The salespeople will not likely miss it right away.

  Tucked discreetly in the back of the lot was a 2008 Ford Explorer Sport Trac Adrenalin. The one with the 4.6L V8 engine. The truck was pearl white with grey and black seats. It could be fast and furious, but also had bed space that they might need in the very near future.

  Wouldn’t it be better to get a car? A car would be much faster.

  Tammy, we may need the bed space.

  “Ok,” Tammy conceded. “Let’s get the truck back there.”

  Sophia hesitated and tipped her head to the side, “That’s a pickup truck. Wouldn’t it be better to get a faster car?”

  “That’s what I thought, but Primis said that we might need the truck bed space. Which there isn’t too much of in this cute little truck, but with a little modification it will make a great BOB.”

  “Cute. That’s really comforting. We are putting our lives in the hands of cute,” Sophia said sarcastically. “…and who the heck is Bob?”

  “A Bug Out Vehicle,” Tammy replied chuckling and shaking her head. “B.O.B.”

  This pickup truck will allow you to be seen, but not noticed.

  “The grey man effect, huh?” Tammy said aloud.

  Sophia asked, “Grey man? What the heck is that?”

  “It means that we want to blend in. Not stand out,” Tammy replied removing a hat from her bag and placing on Sophia’s head. “This truck won’t attract a lot of attention.

  Out of sight of any salespersons, Tammy and Sophia slipped back to where the cute little four-door truck sat. The doors were locked, but Primis walked Tammy through the process of jimmying the door. Once inside, Primis explained to Tammy how to hotwire the truck as well. While performing the tasks, Tammy was sure to teach these skills to Sophia.

  Sophia peered around the lot keeping her head low and out of sight.

  “How are we going to drive out of here?” Sophia asked. “They’ll see us any way we go.”

  Tammy looked around the lot at the wandering salespeople. She was discouraged. They were not really paying attention, but the pretty truck was not so small that it wouldn’t be noticed moving towards one of the exits.

  Put the truck in reverse and I will help you get away.

  How are you going to do that?

  Trust me, Tammy. Put the truck in reverse and wait for my signal.

  What will be the signal?

  You’ll know when you see it.

  “Ok, get in your seat and put your seatbelt on,” Tammy instructed Sophia.

  Moving into the seat and applying the safety belt, Sophia asked, “What are we going to do? Just take off? They are going to see us and call the police!”

  “Trust me, Sophia,” Tammy said shifting into reverse.

  Before Sophia could express another nagging doubt there was a small explosion in one of the auto sales offices. The blast was just big enough to blow out one of the large windows and draw everyone's attention.

  Go now!

  As the two ladies cruised out of the car lot unseen Sophia caught herself staring at Tammy. She wasn’t sure what the voice in Tammy’s head was telling her, but Sophia was starting to believe that it might be real.

  After watching the glass explode from the office window Tammy’s trust in Primis multiplied. Before that, part of her still thought that she was losing her mind. That she was just becoming a psychotic killer. One could say that her faith increased.

  Now, they had their bug out vehicle. The two still needed to gather some survival supplies to sustain them before they would be ready to rescue Primis.


  The doppelganger agent, the new Special Agent David Roland, coolly walked out to the real Agent Roland’s vehicle. Agent Brown was walking away from the gas station manager’s office with good news when he scarcely noticed fake Agent Roland walking towards his car.

  Agent Brown pulled his cell phone from his pocket and called David… or who he believed was David. He watched the duplicate David Roland pull out his phone and answer the call.

  “Hello, this is Special Agent Roland,” Fake Agent Roland answered.

  “A deputy called from the hospital. They say your Sheriff Buford is going to be alright,” Agent Brown said.

  “…who?” Fake Agent Roland responded.

  “Your buddy, the sheriff? They guy whose office we have been working out of?” Agent Brown said a little confused. “Well, anyway, we have the destination of the semi-truck. I’ll text you the address,” Agent Brown said.

  Fake Special Agent Roland didn’t hesitate a moment, “I already know where they are headed. You check their last known addresses or something.”

  “What? How do you know…?” Agent Brown realized Fake Special Agent Roland had hung up the phone. He could tell something was going on, but what could he do? Reluctantly he went to check Tammy’s and Sophia’s last known addresses.

  After driving along the highway a large black Ford Explorer with tinted windows pulled up behind Fake Agent Roland. As soon as he noticed them he pulled over to the side, hazard lights on.

  Fake Agent Roland got out of his car and walked back to the SUV. He opened the door and stepped into the dark back seat. The people in the front seat of the vehicle didn’t turn around. Fake Agent Roland could only see the tattoo on the driver’s forearm. An eye with a snake through the middle.

  The unseen man on the passenger side spoke, “She hasn’t taken her pills for days. She’s totally out of our control. We believe she has made contact with Primis. That is why we need you to collect her before law enforcement does and before she finds Primis.”

  “What about the accomplice?” Fake Agent Roland inquired.

  “She’s no one to us. Make her disappear,” Unseen Man said.

  “Yes sir,” Fake Agent Roland replied as he exited the vehicle.

  Fake Special Agent David Roland returned to his car and drove away. He didn’t know whe
re Tammy and Sophia were at that moment, but even though the two women had no idea where they were headed, he already knew where they were going. He knew, all of them knew, Tammy and Sophia were eventually going to come for Primis.

  Outside the gates

  D RIVING CASUALLY ALONG the highway, Tammy and Sophia were blending in. They were both wearing hats and sunglasses. Sophia was gazing out of the passenger window reflecting on her adventure with Tammy. She thought back to the first moment she saw Tammy and all of the events that brought her to where she sat.

  She believed that had she not been abducted by Tammy that night behind the gas station her brother in law would likely have killed her. With the police helping them, as Sophia believed, she would not have stood a chance. She was thankful that Tammy chose her.

  Sophia looked over at Tammy. It was lucky she did because right then Tammy’s head shot back and her eyes rolled back in her head. She released the steering wheel of the Adrenalin pickup truck forcing Sophia to remove her seatbelt and leap across to take control of the vehicle.

  With Tammy’s foot off of the gas peddle the truck began to slow down. Sophia was able to steer over to the shoulder without incident. As soon as the vehicle stopped, Sophia ran around the truck shifted it into park and put the hazard lights on.

  “Are you ok, Tammy?” Sophia asked checking Tammy’s vital signs. Her vital signs were ok aside from an elevated heart rate. She remained in this state of unresponsiveness for a few minutes. Sophia just tried to keep her cool and comfortable. Debating with herself about whether to take her to a hospital… or call the police.

  I could just leave her right now. Just push her out onto the ground and take off. By the time she woke up, if she wakes up, I would be long gone. But, then this crazy person would definitely die. Ugh, why do I always attract these crazies into my life? What am I a crazy magnet? Why do they always seem to pick me? Sophia thought.

  Inside her mind, Tammy was transported to what appeared to be a large dimly lit hospital room. It was very clean, sterile, and quiet. The large room was filled with the hum of machinery that lined one of its walls. In the middle of all of the equipment was a female form laying strapped to a hospital bed.